Live Chat for Sales and Marketing

Connect with customers at every stage of their journey with live chat software. Intelligent routing and chatbots streamline your sales and marketing efforts so that time to close is reduced.

Drive Engaging Customer Experiences

By implementing a unified chat solution, paired with supporting guide bots, you can instantly route customer queries and create engaging, personalized experiences. With a greater emphasis on providing high-quality customer journeys, you will drive conversions while streamlining efforts. See how AlienVault increased growth by 80% with TeamSupport Messaging & Live Chat.

Advanced Routing

Provide unified customer experience to online visitors - regardless if they are customers or prospects, with seamless transfers.

Out-of-the-Box Integrations

Easily integrate CRMs such as Salesforce and HubSpot with simple, out-of-the-box integrations.

Proactive Chat

Set up predefined custom chat messages that automatically trigger based on a host of criteria.

Custom Mapping

Offer tailor-made journeys for specific visitors with hyper-flexible mapping.

Automated Reports and Analytics

Automatically track metrics essential to your workflows.

Design Studio

Control nearly every aspect of your live chat visual experience without a web developer.